About us

GREEN MALL is a modern shopping and entertainment center, located in the administrative and business center of the capital, and is an important infrastructure center for residents and office workers in the area.

It is part of the administrative and residential Green Quarter complex, with direct entrances to the mall from each apartment building and business centers of the largest companies in Kazakhstan: Samruk-Kazyna, Kazatomprom, Bi Group.


Premises for rent

up to 80 000

People a day


Number of parking spaces

30 787 м2

Rental space

Team Info

The company strives to be an attractive employer, constantly developing a system of financial and non-financial incentives, improving working conditions, providing opportunities for professional development and career growth.

Considering the large number of high-rise buildings to be commissioned, the need for social infrastructure facilities in this part of the city will grow. The new mall is one of the largest projects to appear in the area.

Nurkina Bakytzhan Bektyrovna
The Mall Manager


Nurzhanov Kuanysh

Nurzhanov Kuanysh

chief lawyer
Baidyusenova Aigul

Baidyusenova Aigul

Financial Manager
Nurkina Bakytzhan Bektyrovna

Nurkina Bakytzhan Bektyrovna

Operations Manager